2019 and 2020
(both in-person and on-line conferences)
· Bring Dr. Wesson in every year! He is awesome!
· Great! I love Ken Wesson! He is the best!
· I have heard Dr. Wesson speak at several conferences several times, and I am always impressed with his knowledge base around SEL.
· I could listen to Ken. Wesson all day. He is always so engaging and informative. I was sad when I realized he only had a few minutes left.
· Your keynote presentation was perfect for our organization—the best keynote in our organization’s history!
· Dr. Wesson's keynote speech was life-changing! He introduced ideas that, although they made perfect sense, where ideas that I had not thought of specifically before.
· Probably the best presenter ever!
· Thank you for your time. Inspiring and informational!
· I feel like my brain is on overload now. There was so much great information to digest!
· Wow! What an experience!
· Thank you! I appreciate your time and knowledge
· Thank you so much for teaching and inspiring us!
· Amazing as always, Dr. Wesson - Thank you!
· Very inspirational! Thank you!
· Love you, Ken!
· This is my second time hearing Wesson, and I am fascinated all over again!
· You are such an inspiration to so many, and you have a powerful impact on our educators' teaching practices.
· So inspirational!
· Amazing! Thank you, Dr. Wesson!
· Thank you sooooo much! It was great.
· Awesome! This was so wonderful and INSPIRING!
· Thank you for the inspiring, uplifting and scientifically rich keynote address at the NGSS Symposium. People were stopping me all day to let me know how much they appreciated it.
· Wow …just wow!
· Although I have heard him before, it is new learning every time he speaks.
· Thanks for inviting Ken Wesson - so inspiring. He is among the very BEST keynote speakers ever!
· Mr. Wesson is highly informative.
· He is my inspiration! Always love hearing him.
· I love his “…give students time to think” in order to move learning forward.
· Kenneth, you are great!!
· He really solidifies the idea that we need a fundamental change in how we design our lessons in order to maximize student thinking.
· I always take pics when Ken Wesson talks!!
· An amazing presentation!
· This is all so important to know as an educator. I appreciate that he is bringing this information to light.
· I need Dr. Wesson to mentor me!
· Now my colleagues know why I love hearing Ken over and over again!! Every time I learn something new.
· Thank you so much, very insightful!
· Amazing! Thank you!
· I appreciate having him share his expertise on the neuroscience of learning as it relates to “Access and Equity” for all.
· Your presentation was engaging, informative and motivating, allowing our participants to continue to expand their horizons as learners. It was enlightening to see them leave with a renewed commitment.
· Your statement, “It’s not the content that is most challenging for many students – it’s the treatment” was not only food for thought, but will stay with me for the rest of my teaching career.
· That keynote was a powerful learning experience that none of us will forget any time soon.
· I am thankful for this keynote and what I was able to take away from it!
· Amazing! It was such a dynamic and interesting presentation! I only wish we had more time with him.
· Please know that your knowledge and passion was well received and will serve to guide our work in transdisciplinary instruction.
· He was absolutely excellent! I’ll take many of his ideas back to my classroom.
· I went to Dr. Wesson’s keynote session he was excellent!
· The keynote speaker was awesome!
· Hilarious and extremely educational! Thank you!
· I really enjoyed the content and the delivery of his lecture.
· Dr. Wesson was an amazing presenter!
· The STEAM keynote speaker was great!
· Dr. Wesson is fantastic, inspirational and has motivated me to be a better educator.
· Very insightful, positive, and enlightening. This keynote speaker was excellent!
· Great presenter with very relevant information.
· We are all happy that we decided to see Dr. Wesson. He was fabulous!
· Dr. Wesson was absolutely incredible! Thank you so much for bringing him in.
· The keynote speaker was fabulous and had numerous practical ideas for teaching.
· Wish we had more time with him.
· Thank you for everything you shared.
· Most exciting speaker we have ever had. Best presentation I've ever listened to. Thanks for reminding me why I got into teaching.
· He was such a wonderful speaker, and I am thankful to have experienced his keynote address.
· Dr. Wesson was extremely informative and engaging.
· Your session was SO interesting, I learned so much from your content, and I only wished your time could have been longer! My husband is a former teacher, and it was fun relaying to him some bits of knowledge I learned from you.
· Dr. Wesson was fantastic!
· I will be applying some of your content in my classroom to jazz up learning a bit!
· I attended Ken Wesson’s keynote and it was amazing.
· I love hearing about how the brain works, and how we can best engage our students. He is so inspiring!
The California Teachers Association (July 2018) The best part of the 2018 Summer Institute was...
"Hearing Kenneth Wesson speak. He was by far the best speaker yet!"
"Dr. Wesson’s presentation. -Powerful -Relevant -Meaningful."
"Kenneth Wesson! I could have spent the whole day with him. I left here to call people about the morning session, so powerful."
"Kenneth’s morning presentation was awesome! The highlight of the week – learned so much about the brain and emotion."
"Kenneth Wesson. An unforgettable presentation."
California Kindergarten Association (Jan. 2018) "OMG! I’ve been awakened!"
"I found the topic and the speaker amazing!"
"This is my second time hearing Dr. Wesson and I am fascinated again!"
"It was great to learn how the STREAM subjects are interconnected. The hands-on activities made the experience engaging and interesting for all."
"Awesome! You make it so easy to understand the neuroscience behind learning and science."
"I loved the hands-on activities, and will definitely be incorporating some of them into my lesson plans. Thank you for blending facts, info, and fun!"
"I had numerous takeaways, especially the links to the NGSS, which was frightening to me before. This presentation had a perfect balance of doing and talking."
"I love the high quality of (1) brain research that accompanied this session, and (2) hands-on learning opportunities. I particularly enjoyed hearing from a practitioner who can “walk their talk”!"
CA Mathematics Council (Nov. 2018) "Thank you for the best opener of the CMC Math conference I've ever attended in the 5 times of attending since 2012."
"Thank you for your presentation at the CMC! One can only wonder how 90 minutes could feel like 15 seconds. It went by so quickly during your brilliant and applicable presentation. I'll be referencing your work in a book I'm writing. It was an honor."
"Thank you for making your presentation engaging. Very informative. Loved it. A great way to close the conference for me!"
"He clearly emphasized and illustrated the problems of inequity, and the strategies that teachers can use to close the opportunity gap."
CA Association of Black School Educators (Oct. 2018) "Absolutely the best presentation I've seen regarding issues in learning! Your presentation at last week's conference provided the greatest insight to what I was hoping to see. I believe the equity and social-emotional learning topics are important, but we need to have more focus on the topic of how to learn. Outstanding!"
"What a knowledgeable, well-traveled, and accomplished man, yet he was so kind and patient with those of us who wanted to chat after his exceptional talk."
"What an inspirational and motivational conference! Kenneth Wesson just gave us some great insight on how the brain works. Amazing!" xanax
National Science Teachers Association (Oct. 2018) "Thanks to Dr. Wesson for his engaging presentation at the NSTA convention in Reno! It was a wonderful, informative, and inspirational presentation."
Washington Science Teachers Association (Oct. 2018) "I want to thank you again for the informative presentation that you delivered at the Washington Science Teachers Association conference on Saturday. I had a number of “ah-ha” moments, and found the slide animations that you shared incredibly helpful."
Splash (July 2018) "I wanted to reach out and say I immensely enjoyed your presentation. I absolutely appreciated your emphasis on interconnectivity, and mentioning that several universities and programs of study are integrating it in their content."
"I wanted to reach out and give thanks for me having ended up at the presentation, for your line of work and for your way of putting it out in the world."